
TLK3 P1 - One A New Dawn

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Literature Text

One: A New Dawn

Time is slow to pass in the Pride Lands as animals try to heal from the pain of the past, and after a very tough series of droughts in the area, the grasslands were bursting and the rainstorms had arrived. The grass was gobbled up and since last year the same thing had occurred after the last drought, baby animals were being dropped left-right and centre. The lions were no exception, during the drought the Rogue prides had visited to find females and the council of kings had meant that Simba had been forced to permit the other kings to choose females amongst his pride to bear their cubs. This mixing of blood meant every being on the Pride Lands descended from royal blood, and that they kept the peace – all caused by Simba's great-grandfather Mohatu.

As for his own blood, Simba's grandchildren had finally arrived. Kiara and Kovu had only been two upon meeting, and last year the terrible drought had made the lionesses very unhappy about having cubs. So finally, there were loads of cubs filling the caves and Simba was praising the strength of the twins. Kiara and Kovu had produced both a male and female, Hodari and Zuri, but where the previous ceremonies had shown who was to be the next King, Simba and Kovu had chosen to suspend them until Simba felt it was absolutely necessary – if only to prevent the jealousy that had eaten away at Scar, and had driven his son Kopa away.

The Pride Lands, to the various females that had joined, had gained not only new life and blood to the kingdom, but the acceptance of all the animals. Everyone had accepted the Outlanders as one of theirs. Amongst them there had been a few happy unions – one of the twin spotted sisters, Chui, had mated and produced a daughter, Vitani had a gorgeous daughter and two burly sons, and Chui and Duma's younger sister had managed to keep her own son alive. This son, elder then the other cubs, was the child of Kaidi and Nuka, whom Simba had quite willingly accepted in recompense for the death of the male's father. His choice had been greatly accepted, and Tumaini was nicknamed "Big Brother" by all the cubs!

Already the dark coated male, now two years old with a shabby growing black mane, had proven his usefulness. With only Simba, Kovu, and Tojo around to protect the boarders, Tumaini had assisted in protecting the youngsters and was the chosen baby-sitter. But recently Tumaini had been showing his much more intelligent side, giving advice and telling stories that the cubs lapped up. Though he was not as keen a fighter as Tojo, as brave a lion as Simba, his wisdom and kind nature matched the lame Tojo's completely.

But with the new tasks of looking after the many cubs to the huge pride, Tumaini had been far too busy to ask questions and get more attention as a Pride Male. He was still considered a child, and as such he still had to sit around for the lessons with the cubs….

* * * * *

"Hodari! Zuri! What are you doing to Rafiki's wall! Oh no! He'll kill you! You've used up all the paint!" Tumaini called as he began to race back and forth below the tree in an attempt to grab the cubs and pull them back down to the others. But each time he was distracted, the other cubs began to wander off. It seemed just like another typical day with Tumaini getting the rough end of the deal and getting told off for the youngsters' antics, until he smelt something in the air. Immediately he let out a roar that was loud, deep, and unlike himself. The cubs paused, and then hurried over to him in terror. They smelt the air, aware that there was a stranger around.

Tumaini was afraid, the cubs all bustled under his legs no matter how dirty, and he looked as dangerous as he could. With his scruffy mane ruffling like his hackles, he snarled toward the approaching shadow, prepared to fight. But as a figure moved closer and closer, he could smell something familiar and relaxed, sitting down to greet the approaching lioness.

"Good Morning, Lady Sarabi. Forgive me, I did not realise that it was you!" Tumaini suddenly appologised and lowered himself before the dear queen. Sarabi stepped out of the grasses fully, her elder body now damaged fully from the sorrows of her days. Her once tough form that had stood up for the Pride Lands and the laws was now deteriorated - Sarabi knew she wouldn't be around much longer, and so did Tumaini. But her words were kind as she licked his ear and then settled down on the ground in front of the messy cubs. They were all now excited to see the best story-teller of them all, apart from Mr Tojo!

"Grammy!" Hodari and Zuri almost bleated like gazelle fawns as they ran to their great-grandmother for a nuzzle. Kindly Sarabi nuzzled them, chuckling as her own face became marked with different colours. As she settled them down with the ideas of a story to keep them quiet, the cubs got even more excited. They began to bounce around in delight, little Kipenga and Manyara joining in to cause just as much trouble - Makovu and Haki starting to fight with each other again over who got to do what. But little Tani and Ayira remained pressed against their elder cousin, Tumaini, hoping that Sarabi would call them over.

"Well, if you're going to tell them a story, Lady Sarabi, I can go and find their mothers and tell them they all need a good bath!" Tumaini grinned as he stood up. His grey-brown pelt was coated in odd colours now from the youngsters, his large dark eye shadows now looked purple and his seven spots (three under one eye and four under the other) also looked to have been turned red! He sat down for a second to rub his nose clean, only to see the sad eyes of the youngsters. They suddenly screamed at him for trying to leave them, and Sarabi chuckled at the thought. "Alright! I'll stay! But don't complain at me if you get told off for being late home!"

"YAY! We love you big brother Tumaini!" The cubs all purred in delight and began to climb onto their friend. Tani made sure she was in his paws, closely followed by little Ayira. Zuri and Hodari cuddled against his left side whilst Makovu and Haki took over his right. Kipenga climbed boldly behind his thick dark brown mane was growing, pressing his own jet-black tuft against it for a cuddle – he looked terribly alike to his father. Little dark coated Manyara, who was often talked about looking more like Kovu then one of the rogues that had visited, was having trouble.

"Can… Can you push me up please, Big Brother?" Manyara questioned fearfully, unsure if anyone would be kind enough to help. Tumaini grinned happily and strained his head around to push Manyara up next to Kipenga. The young male then settled down with a low sigh and he dropped his head down, Tani and Ayira snuggling against his face. He chuckled as they both found themselves fascinated by his spots, Tani counting three on her side and Ayira counting four on hers. Tumaini was always said to be lucky for his seven spots.

* * * * *

Time passed and the cubs had already fallen asleep in the warmth of the sun against their big bean-bag. Poor Tumaini was having trouble coping with a cub paw in his ear, one pulling up his lips, and another batting his nose. Sarabi finished her story of the Dark Lion and then chuckled gently at her dear friend. She had always liked Tumaini, and she had been happy when Simba had been delighted that he'd survived, where his littermate had not. Though Kovu had objected because Kaidi had always treated him so badly as a cub – all because of how Nuka was rejected! It annoyed Kovu that Tumaini was two years old and had not yet been cast out, but he was there for Simba's relief and for the promise to the Outcasts that had joined them in life and not followed Zira to death.

Tumaini was not as happy about the situation but he was glad that they were all healthy and happy around him. Although they were not the only cubs in the whole of the Pride Lands, it was these six trouble-makers that made him the happiest. As he slowly moved his head, the cubs remaining asleep, the young long just grinned as he saw the paint on himself. Sarabi stood up and nuzzled him gently as she began to pace away.

"I'll get Sabini and the others together to help clean them up. You should be heading back soon, Tumaini; Bayajicho might need you to help her clean the den." Sarabi chuckled whilst Tumaini rolled his eyes. At times he put on his tough guy bravado, but he wasn't like that at all! But just as he tried to get up, Manyara slid off his back and gave a yelp of surprise, waking the others up in a chorus of mews and upsets about what was going on.

"Can't we play a little longer? It's not dark outside and mum and dad surely wouldn't disagree…." Hodari began, but Tumaini was swift to silence him with a few words about dinner. He also mentioned that Hodari and Zuri should have been with their father and grandfather learning to rule, but Zuri just gave a snort of indignation. At this, Kipenga leapt on her and nipped her tail, screaming TAG as he galloped into the savannah. Tumaini gave a grunt for him to come back, only to hear the squeal of terror as he encountered something very scary.

"You alright Kip?" Tumaini questioned as the frightened cub went screaming back to hide behind him. The other cubs looked surprised, huddling around their protector and at that moment a porcupine trundled out. Tumaini blinked in surprise, it didn't seem to be aggressive so why had Kipenga been so scared? But barely a moment later it spun backward and ran at them. Tumaini gave a yowl of terror and rolled all the cubs away from him!


* * * * *

The lionesses were gathering to pick up their young from Tumaini, and were both surprised and amused to see him with Rafiki pulling porcupine quills from Tumaini's now bleeding shoulder. He had a new scar to his nose from the vicious little maniac biting him! They were all a little surprised by it, but the six females that had come were also ready to take him and the cubs to dinner. Their upset though was as they snuffed their paint-smeared cubs!

"Goodness cubs! What on earth have you been doing? Wait till your mother and grandmother see you! Hold it, I'll get Tama over to give you a bath while Tumaini stays here and watches you." As Sabini stepped away from the dirty youngsters, she paused to look at the scar across Tumaini's nose, a little fearful of any markings that might bring him closer to his grandfather. But she sighed deeply and batted his ear before licking his nose. She knew at least that he looked after the cubs greatly. "Keep an eye on them for a second while I get Tama quickly."

"Manyara and Kipenga, although your mothers were going to turn up to help clean you - I think we need to get you cleaned up first. Come here, me and Chaka will start the grooming process! You need a bath too, Tumaini - maybe you can get your grandma to sort you out!" Msitu grunted. The big lioness and her scruffier looking sibling paced over to the youngsters, scooping them away from the others that were gathered. Msitu was not normally so nice to Tumaini, indeed he wondered if she'd even been a little rude just then, but what could he expect from Tojo's devoted mother?

"Yikes! Aren't you ever going to be more careful with yourself, Tumaini?" Vitani chuckled as she placed a heavy paw on her nephew's head and licked his nose. It hurt only slightly, but his aunt was soon smothered in her three children and also in paint. Rafiki couldn't help but chuckle at her. It had been two hard years for Vitani, the last child of Scar, and yet she was being hailed as the best mother in the Pride Lands!

"Ha-ha! Looks like you had an adventure... I hope they haven't caused you any problems, dear Rafiki!" Chui growled softly, her odd spots looking more like a wriggling snake under her eye from a distance. She was slower than the other females, being more cautious as her relationships were still somewhat strained. Chaka was particularly not fond of her, but if one thing had to be said of herself and her sister Duma - it was that the spotted sisters were the best hunters around. Tumaini could already smell the blood from a kill on his aunt's lips, and the smell excited her daughter, Tani, who bounded over with a mewl of delight.

The scruffy looking brown cub bounced over to her mother's side with a mew of happiness. She hurried to Chui's pale paws and began to lick at her mother's grey-tan fur. As she purred and rubbed against her mother, Chui chuckled gently and began to lick her ears. From nearby, the shorter and more rounded looking Duma appeared from around the thorn bushes to stretch and shake her head. She jogged over, nipped Tumaini's ear and before she knew it, the other cubs were bounding over to her, hoping to get an extra drink of milk from the female who lost her cub!

"Oh no!" Duma had no chance, as one of the lowest ranked female in the pride she had to nurse the cubs. She had no luck trying to push the cubs aside, as though Vitani's three kept aside along with Tani; the others began to grab at her teats. Duma rolled onto her side with a grunt and began to sigh as the cubs began to drink. Chui, Vitani, Tumaini, and Sabini chuckled; even Rafiki couldn't help but find it funny. Duma growled as Kipenga bit just a little too hard. "Careful scruffy! Your teeth are huge!"

"You should be happy that their mothers are so willing to allow you to suckle their cubs! An Outlander with your fighting prowess should not even be permitted near cubs! Especially not the royal ones!" Chaka growled in annoyance, standing straight and tall as her sister bumped shoulders with her. Duma suddenly felt upset, her rounded ears lowering at the words, but Chui was much more offended!

"What was that?" Chui spun around fast, snarling in anger. The blood on her teeth made her look more dangerous and Msitu leapt behind her sister with a growl of fear. Chaka stomped toward Chui, snarling at her with a few hisses of anger. Chui flickered her tail back and forth, and though the cubs continued to suckle, Tani lunged toward Tumaini's paws for protection. Rafiki looked a little surprised; even Sabini and Vitani were dumbfounded by Chaka's rude comments. But Chui decided that she could only win with a snide comment. "At least I've always had enough respect for a widow never to dream of her dead mate being my husband!"

"HOW DARE YOU!" Msitu snarled in anger, jumping in front of her stunned sister as the other lionesses began to mumble to one another. Vitani could not believe that Chaka was so disrespectful, especially as the lioness looked only embarrassed at the statement. Sabini was more outraged with Chui for blurting out something so private. But Chui, and now Duma who had finished the suckling, stood side by side against the two sisters in preparation for a fight. But Tumaini took charge of the situation instead.

"That's enough!" He stood up and even roared like a powerful male once more. The females paused and stared at him, all thoughts of violence gone. Tumaini sucked in a deep breath and looked proud, the cubs were hiding under his paint-splashed hide in fear of their parents - not of him. Rafiki grinned behind a paw, delighted that Tumaini was once again showing his intelligence. But though Chui and Duma both opened their mouths to say something, Tumaini's gentle smile and caring eyes of warm brown softened them all. He stepped calmly over and rubbed cheeks with every lioness, even Msitu who normally hated him. "There. We all live in a land where there is not war with hyenas, rogue males, or even old quarrels. What was past is past.... We should leave it there, forget our anger, and instead be thankful to the Kings and Queens of the past that saw fit to bless us with plentiful food and water."

"A very wise statement, Tumaini. Wouldn't you agree, your Highness?" They turned at the deep but endearing voice of Tojo, the king's advisor and Rafiki's apprentice, as he limped toward them. Msitu gave a rumble of delight and paced to her son. They rubbed heads gently, and then cheeks, and then Tojo turned toward Tumaini with a smile. He looked back behind him toward Simba, his face one of interest.

"Indeed, Tojo. You sound almost royal with those words." Simba spoke with a chuckle as he marched toward his grandchildren, almost the image of his sire but perhaps more relaxed and calm. Since the wars he had become more aloof and relaxed, he no longer bore the heavy weight of regret that had filled his own father's heart. As he stepped amongst them all, smiling at Tumaini, and then tutting at his messy grandchildren, he was accompanied by others. His cousin Sikio, the lioness with one dark-rimmed ear and one pale, was amongst them with her son, Kosey. With them were Kovu and Afua. Afua was a strange male, not the biggest and really quite nervous, but he was a good friend to everyone and like Kosey was a guard on the boarder.

Tumaini would have blushed if he could, and he felt small as the big males stepped over toward him - his tatty young mane nothing compared to theirs. But the males were happy to see that everyone was calmed down, all except Kovu. No matter what Tumaini might try to do to impress his 'uncle', Kovu only saw the brother that had bullied him so much and yet loved Vitani and the others more. Though Tumaini smiled gently, Kovu eyed his son and daughter and spotted the paint upon them.

"You shouldn't be so quick to compliment, Simba. After-all, the paint actions have caused Zuri and Hodari to be grounded!" Kovu growled in anger at the idea of the cubs being so dirty. He turned on the young male who dropped to the ground and tried to apologise immediately. Afua gave a slight snort of annoyance, but it surprised Kovu when the cubs bounded over to plead for him to leave him alone.

"Awe! That's not fair! It wasn't Tumaini's fault!" Hodari and Zuri began, bouncing up and down in front of their father. But Kovu merely snorted at them and they both shrank down in upset. Chaka shook her head in annoyance and Msitu grinned as she licked her son's soft mane. Afua gave a grunt of annoyance as Vitani paced over to Kovu and would have said something if Kovu had not given her a harsh glare. But their thoughts would not have protected Tumaini from his annoyance.

Simba was surprised as young Manyara stepped out of the group and headed straight toward him. He bowed to Simba faithfully, as his fearful mother had trained him to, and then turned to Kovu. He smiled hopefully at his favourite male in the whole of the pride, though Chui and Duma eyed the cub nervously. With an endearing smile upon his face Manyara sat before the male he looked so alike to and calmly placed a paw upon the male's and lowered his head.

"It was my fault, sir." The brave young cub stated, touching Kovu with a gentle paw. But Tumaini was annoyed as Kovu quickly withdrew. Everyone tensed up, all unsure why Kovu was so unnerved by the youngster, even though Huzuni and Sadaka had made obvious the point that his father had been chased off by the male, purely by accident. Manyara ignored the obvious repulsion and instead tried to explain again. "It was my fault, I thought it would be the best idea to paint, but I didn't ask and didn't want Tumaini to get into trouble."

"Battle's over! Come on and let's eat!" Matoto chirped from behind the big males, her cocky features smeared with buffalo blood. She stomped passed them all, licked Manyara's face, and then nipped Kovu's shoulder. There was no one who didn't like Matoto, fun and playful she kept everyone calm and happy. Though she often acted the clown, she was smarter then people guessed, and only her sorrow for not being chosen by a male gave her any change of reaction. She went to her half-sisters Chui and Duma, and bit their tails. "Come on! Let's eat then complain about the warm weather!"

* * * * *

"I have come on request of my grandson, he wanted me to check on whether his thoughts were correct. Tell me, old friend who helped save my daughter so long ago... Do you intend to leave tonight?" Bayajicho, one of the former Outlanders, noted as the eldest and bearing the damaged eye caused in the wound, stepped on weakening legs toward the old queen of the Pride Lands. She settled down, lying beside the lioness who was probably younger then her, but had been worn down by war. She liked Sarabi greatly, had always liked her, but her debt to Zira for saving Kaidi by stating she could be a potential mate for her son, had led her away from her old chatting companions.

"He is indeed smart, old friend, for tonight I choose to leave… There are so many stars out and everyone is happy and content after a good meal. I would not have them worry or cry over me, and I ask that you will not do the same. Sarafina will accompany me, as she has done all my life, and Rafiki will march with us a way. My final journey will be one through to the lands I was born in, where I can die in peace." Sarabi sighed, but she knew that Bayajicho would not leave it at that. Though Sarabi had become old and wretched from the agony of her heartaches, and that her accident hunting a few days ago had left her crippled for a few days – she knew that the older and tougher lioness would still have something to complain about.

"And your son? What will Simba, your only child, think when he wakes up tomorrow to find the last parent he had gone like the wind? Will you make him suffer without giving him at least a warning of your departure?" Bayajicho almost growled at Sarabi, she understood the pain of having a parent just up and leave, especially a mother. Though in her case, her mother returned with a new cub in tow after three months that looked nothing like her sisters, Bayajicho could only imagine what pain it would give Simba to know that he was completely alone. But to her surprise, Sarabi's reply was curt and almost uncaring.

"He is not my only child, there is another I long ago cursed with a cruel name and discarded to another pride that would keep her from my sight! In my journey I will have to see her and tell her the truth, though I could never pass this information to Simba. For how would he feel to know that he has a sister born to Scar? He would not forgive me, though at the time well all knew it was the only way." Sarabi growled, looking at her paws as if they had been the cause of such submission – her sorrow for the fact that she had not fought off his advances, if only to save young Nala and Ndoto from that horror.

"Another? Well…. I won't pass that information on. I'll keep that to myself, like I did before. But he wouldn't blame you if he understood the reasons, just like Sikio's father never blamed her…" Bayajicho sighed; perhaps such subjects were too sore to dwell on. Sarabi seemed too distant anyway as if she were just not even present. But Bayajicho did know one thing she could not leave without doing. "What about your sisters – Dogo, Naanda, Diku, Dwala, and Shangai? Surely you could not leave without tell them! And your cousins – Chaka, Msitu, and Tabia will be heart-broken to know that you have left them!"

"My sisters? Half of them do not even live here anymore. Dogo and Diku may still be here, along with my cousins, but they don't care. They've been so busy in their own issues, Msitu with her son Tojo and Dogo always comforting Kula since Chumvi's death. I suppose I should go and visit Shangai, Naanda, and Dwala…" Sarabi chuckled almost as if she did not care. It was something that Bayajicho could not understand, after-all her sisters had a different relationship with her own. But Sarabi seemed to be thinking about something else and gave a huge sigh. "Yes… If I didn't visit them how would they react? Naanda and I haven't got along in years, and I would love to make peace with her. Shangai? Well she had her daft husband Mjomba have always come to visit me, so I should do the same and tell them how well Kosey and Sikio are doing. I should also see Dwala…. She promised to look after the pride if I ever had to go anywhere, and I wanted to thank her for saving us from a battle with King Wazimu years ago before Simba was born. Huh…. At least Sarafina will be coming with me."

"At least you will not be alone. But I fear that your departure will leave us divided. Everyone looked to you to pull us together… Unlike your cousin, you accepted us bedraggled wretches as kin, despite our foolish loyalties. I will always be grateful for it, but you are younger then me and yet you choose to fade now?" Bayajicho was sad, and very afraid of the future without the wife of wise Mufasa to help the teachings of the others. Simba was still young, still foolish, and the lionesses were still in desperate need of some real guidance, for though Nala and Kiara were indeed sweet…. It was Chaka who had been ruling the hunting parties.

"Do not fear for me… Though I do fear for this land. They will need intelligent lions here, and my own past and hates will make it more difficult. You Bayajicho would be the best to deal with the issues here - but if my dreams have anything to believe, it's that a Dark Lion is returning...." Sarabi growled in annoyance. Bayajicho stood up suddenly in surprise, was this true?

"You have had them too? My sisters have been having them and so have I. The dreams are of the dark ones taking over, and some strange white god telling them what to do! I am afraid of the white monster more then the dark lions! But I see Tumaini often in those dreams facing them both down enough for lions to escape. But it is Ndoto who has been keeping everyone awake with her horrendous nightmares."

"So, someone else has dreamt terrible things?" Sarabi chuckled again, disjointedly so that the older lioness was slightly worried. "Then at least there will be more warning when the time comes."

"Indeed… But why not reconsider and stay here with us? You can be of help to us! Please Sarabi, you have known the world and your son has always listened to you and your friends. Please do not choose now to go!"

"I may fear for this land, but my presence will be of no further help. I would rather I die on my own terms, then let the past kill me." Sarabi ended the conversation there and let out a low rumble of greeting as she heard the approach of the lioness she knew to be Sarafina. Bayajicho looked around herself in surprise; she could not hear the silent lioness at all. But she turned gently to Sarabi and apologised.

"If it is your wish, then I can be of no more help to you, and cannot convince you. Everyone is going to miss you terribly, especially your son and great-grandson Hodari. I don't think he'll understand, but I'll take care of them all. I promise you… My friend." With that said the two rubbed heads and cheeks for a last time before Bayajicho stepped away, back toward her den, only to get a surprise.

Sarafina's head emerged from around the bushy edge of Pride Rock, a look of angst on her face. She said nothing but looked at Bayajicho with a smile and the old spotted one with her bad eye breathed a sigh. The elders rubbed faces and cheeks before settling back down. Sarabi grinned at her eldest friend, who still seemed upset by the whole affair, especially as she did not feel the same exhaustion despite her own woes. But Sarabi nodded her head gently, as if reassuring the two lions of her choice, before turning her head aside and spotting Kosey and Sikio watching her with kind eyes.

"You do not need to join me." Sarabi smiled happily at her niece and her young "nephew". The big male with his golden coat and giant dark brown mane stepped over and pressed his nose to hers. They rubbed cheeks and Sarabi breathed a sigh of delight. She was glad that Sikio, her niece by her loving sister Shangai, had been chosen as Mufasa's "back-up" mate. But Sarabi had finally had Simba just after Kosey's birth; even though they shared the same basic name the two males were very different indeed. In fact, if it had not been for Kosey appearing when he had with Sarabi's sister's pride, there would never have been enough lions to fight off the hyenas.

"As the son of Mufasa, who was not from your womb… I must accompany you as my father would have, at least to the boundaries. It would be my greatest honour, My Queen." Kosey smiled gently and Sarabi felt nothing but joy at his kind manners. She pressed her nose to his gently and chuckled softly.

"You are indeed, like your father Kosey. I would very much enjoy your company to the boarder. I also give you the charge of the Royal Guard, when you return, inform Simba of this – Bayajicho, Sarafina, and Sikio stand here as witnesses of your promotion." She raised her soft pale paws to his forehead and gently pushed down to the very centre of his mind, he bowed, and for a moment they were frozen as if Sarabi was passing something onto him.

"It is an honour to be called such. Afua is keeping my post for me, let us leave, my Queen."

Without any other words of protest of upset, Bayajicho sat down and watched as Sarabi, Sarafina, Kosey, and Sikio began to pace away. She wondered what she would be able to tell the other lions so as not to upset them, but he knew that prince Hodari would be the worst hurt. But upon turning and walking back down toward the lower caves that looked at the Pride Rock, the place that Scar had once lived in and now housed the Outlander's bunch, Bayajicho paused. She could see Kovu talking to someone, nuzzling them… and she wasn't sure if it was Kiara or not.

* * * * *

The following morning, things had not calmed down between them and Tumaini was anxious. He did not hate his uncle; he had never had anything against him no matter what the stories were, but Tumaini had grown upset by him since he had bullied his mother. Kaidi had never done anything wrong, she'd been opposed to the fighting, but Kovu had seen too much of his mother's foolish protectiveness in her to find her safe. So that morning, Tumaini had been told something only his mother knew about Kovu, and he was armed with that as defence this time.

Kovu had come looking for him, and straight away he had cuffed the dark male about the head, sending him flying into the dust. The lionesses were awake suddenly, but one horrible snarl from Kovu kept Chui from bouncing down and slapping his ears silly. He turned upon Tumaini, his gaze menacing and the lion kept low, not wanting to start a fight if he could avoid it. Once again Kovu slapped at him, bashing his head and nose with a guttural roar of anger. In Kovu's mind, Tumaini was another version of himself – but had the blood to prove that he was Scar's heir.

"You're as big a coward as your father and grandfather before you! Stand up and fight me, if you truly feel you deserve to be part of this kingdom then show us you're worth it. I don't want weaklings around my cubs! It is thanks to your teachings that Hodari can't even stand up to his cousins in a game – you're a weak link here Tumaini." Kovu's words were aimed at the form of himself he saw in the young male, and the fact that his own son was just like Tumaini – not like himself or Simba! If there was one thing the Pride Lands did not need, it was another cringing Scar.

"I won't stand up to you, if I did, I would only upset everyone. I don't want to fight you Kovu, you're the crowned prince." Tumaini began, but Kovu roared and lunged at him. Tumaini darted backward, flicking dirt in Kovu's face to give him a bit of a distraction. He leapt beside his aunty Kongwe and snarled in anger over his actions. There was no need for Kovu to be so bad tempered!

"Shut your mouth! The time for talking is over, fight!" Kovu snarled and he sent a harsh swipe toward Tumaini. He caught the young male on the back leg as he turned, tripping him up so he turned about in surprise. But by this time the lionesses were gathering and Kovu was going to regret his foolishness. Kovu sent another swipe to blind the cub that annoyed him so much!

But the strike did not catch him, Tumaini's eyes widened in horror as his mother landed beside him. Even Kovu was frozen in surprise and the other lions gasped in a chorus that turned swiftly to snarls and the whole pride of former Outlanders moved in around to stop Kovu running. Tumaini was terrified and groomed his mother's fresh wound over her back, it would scar for sure, and Tumaini was upset. Kaidi had been wounded to protect him, did he always have to hurt her so? But though he wished to voice his anger, it was his aunt Umeme that spoke out first.

"What have you done? How dare you strike Kaidi? How dare you even think of touching Tumaini! Are you so blind you can only see enemies! I should take your ears off!" Always quick to anger, Umeme almost launched at Kovu, her anger palpable. But Zuripua quickly grabbed her ear and tugged her backward slightly. Umeme continued to snarl and growl like a rabid dog, but Kovu's main opposition came when Kaidi's two elder sisters lunged in front of their fallen sibling.

"You dare to strike our sister?" Chui and Duma hissed together as if of one mind. Kovu stepped back fearfully, his remembered from youth the power of these two sisters and how their only prey to live off tended to be what the Spotted Sisters slaughtered. He looked about him nervously, his mind flashing back to that time when he and Simba were surrounded in the Ash Fields. It was scarier this time though… Because he knew there was no one to stop them from killing him!

"Get out of here Kovu! You are not welcome amongst us! You constantly attack you're own nephew and bully those that grew up and fed you as a cub! Show some respect, or we'll beat it into you!" Chakavu stood close and snarled at him. Kovu cringed at the ugly lioness, he'd called her baboon as a cub and it was obvious that she still remembered the insults. The Outland lionesses had been little more then his punching bags before, and he'd even been trained to kill some of them. The sisters had never forgiven him for the deaths they had suffered, to their cubs and siblings, all for the spoilt Prince!

"She should not have stood in for a male! If Tumaini were a real lion he'd have fought! He's just another version of Scar and we don't need him!" Kovu hissed at her in defence but the lions snarled in anger. They could not believe how rude the prince was being, and this information would certainly get passed on to Simba and Kiara!

"Just leave, Kovu! I may be his in blood, but I was never trained to be like him... Unlike you! Go! We don't want anymore trouble for the Pride Lands because of your beliefs. If Simba thought I was to be another Scar, then he would have exiled me already. Instead I care for the cubs and keep them safe and happy when you are checking the boarders and Kiara is hunting. I have a humble place here, a place I don't want to change!" Tumaini growled gently in warning. He stood over his stunned mother, who was still trying to regain her posture. But Kovu was affronted and surprised by this sudden twist.

"Now you grow a back-bone, you little jackal! You'll regret even thinking that!" Kovu grew his strength back and lunged at Tumaini and Kaidi. The young male stood strong as suddenly Moshi and Miiba leapt together and knocked Kovu flying. He rolled into Umeme and Kiume who snapped at him till he stood up. But he turned again and was surprised when Tumaini stood in front of him, ready to fight.

Tumaini managed to give him a few scratches to the side of the mane and ears, but Kovu was too afraid to go against him. Kovu backed up, managing to get away from the females, but they were quick to surround him again. But their growled soon ceased at the gentle chuffing sound of their matriarch. As Kovu turned about him, the lionesses closing in, the sight of Bayajicho made him breathe easy. However, the old lioness with her strange spots and damaged eye came shuffling towards with a sorrowful face. She had just given the news of Sarabi's departure to the rest of the pride, but now she noticed the hassle, her hurt daughter, and her harsh red and yellow eyes burnt with anger as she looked at Kovu's shrinking form.

"Leave him be girls. And if I were you, Kovu, I'd keep away from my grandson if you're only going to hurt him! None of us want to see Kiara unhappy…" Bayajicho's words were strangely aloof as if she knew something, and indeed she did. Kovu looked at her with his green eyes seeming to shrivel in fear. What did she know? "But if you continue to harass my children, then I'll harass yours and inform Kiara of your 'other' son and how you have kept a mistress since the beginning. I don't think she'd appreciate that knowledge though…."

"WHAT?" Kovu was affronted. He suddenly darted toward the elder animal, as if threatening her, but Bayajicho's stance was cool and calm. He growled angrily at her, but the other lions just seem to start chatting and whispering amongst one another. Was the truth so obvious?

"I saw you last night…" Bayajicho responded. "Now… if you dare touch my daughters, sisters, and grandson again… I'll tell Kiara and I'll tell the cub."

"Sadaka also mentioned coyly to me that He looked amazingly like you! I should have guessed it!" Vilelepua muttered to her daughters with a gently chuckle. She was eyeing up the dark male carefully… Oh they knew and they were not going to let this chance to dominate him go. Kovu was terrified, he could have begun to sweat, but he swallowed his pride and turned around to slink away.

"Keep it to yourselves…. And I'll keep to myself." He grunted gently as he began to pace away. He listened out for a response, and was glad of what he heard.

"Agreed… Just leave Tumaini alone."

As Kovu hurried off, the lionesses seemed to relax, until Kaidi collapsed. Within seconds Tumaini was beside his mother and licking her wound. Every time there was a confrontation, it stressed his mother out so much she would faint. He cuddled up next to her as the other lionesses crowded about to see if she was alright. Kaidi wheezed gently in her daze and began to lick at Tumaini's nose.

"Oh… My beloved Nuka has returned…."

* * * * *

The seven females lounged in the sunlight, joyful of having been given the task of protecting the cubs whilst the other adult females of the pride were busy getting the kills. The pride was bigger then it had ever been before, with thirteen lionesses having joined them from Zira's old pride and the arrival of the Rogues having spurred the arrival of many cubs. Despite its size, the two main kings of the land kept them safe and there were other males to help out if there was a need for battle. But the morning was very different, as old Sarabi was not amongst them. It was Kula who seemed the most distracted by it, staring toward the sunrise. She could tell that something new was on the horizon and quickly she checked about her.

Suddenly Sikio was the one to sit up from where she had been resting, her nose twitching in excitement. She could smell her beloved son Kosey, but she was not the only one. Kula stood up straight, licking her paws clean in her attempts to look beautiful in front of the handsome Simba-like male. But Kosey looked upset and his mother quickly groomed his ears. Even Sadaka hurried over to groom her friend's cheek as he explained the situation.

"Kovu…." Kosey wheezed slowly. "He attacked Tumaini and then Kaidi launched on him. He's managed to cut her chest open, Tojo's there cleaning it, but everyone's worried. Bayajicho sent me to pass the news to you so that Kiara and Simba are informed. Duma and Chui as well as Chakavu and Uvivu are threatening to leave completely! It's chaos!" Kosey heaved, and the lionesses began to whisper nervously amongst themselves…

The Pride Lands could not cope with another division again!
Here it is the first chapter!

Prologue: [link]
Chapter Two: [link]

You can find out about each character in my Lion King Folder

The Lion King (C) Disney
Story (C) Me
© 2012 - 2024 echosdusk
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